28th November, 2023

Latest News Latest news on the EDL project! 

After the final meeting in Rome, which was held in mid-November 2023, the EDL project was presented at the 4th Bamberg Forum for Adult Education and Continuing Education, entitled:

Adult education in transition – visions and impulses for future-oriented education”

The 4th Bamberg Forum was held on the 25th of November 2023 in the city of Bamberg, Germany. The forum took place in cooperation with the National Coordination Office of the ePlatform for Adult Education in Europe (EPALE).  

The EDL poster presented by the coordinator, Hochschule Wismar, contributed to the aim of the fourth “Bamberg Forum for Adult Education and Continuing Education” to create an opportunity for exchange and mutual inspiration and to discuss exciting topics related to the future-oriented design of adult education and further education. Thank you, Hochschule Wismar for further promoting EDL project and communicating it to a wider audience!

22nd February, 2023

Best presentation award! 
Best Presentation Award

Partners of EDL project are very proud for the exceptional work of Jelena and Andreas from Hochschule Wismar located in Germany! 

Jelena Zascerinska and Andreas Ahrens presented an outstanding work entitled: “Teachers’ Emotional Experience in Online Classes in Adult Education in Selected European Countries”.  This presentation was given in the framework of the 17th International Conference on Pedagogical Methodology and Technology, which was held in Paris on the 6th and 7th of February 2023. 

7th July, 2023

HOW EMOTIONS ARE DEVELOPED: INSIGHTS FROM VYGOTSKY’ AND LEONTIEV’S WORKS is a scientific paper that has been published in July 2023 on the SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION, based on the proceedings of the International Scientific Conference in Volume II, May 26th, 2023, pages 232-242. 

This article is a result of a fruitful collaboration among 4 persons:  

  • The 2 professors at Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design in Germany: Andreas Ahrens and Jelena Zascerinska.  
  • The experienced teacher from Babel Idiomas from Spain: Daria Filimonova and  
  • Anastasija Bikova from the Centre for Education and Innovation Research in Latvia. 

Congratulations to all of them for such an informative article! 

You can read its abstract below: 

Teacher and learners’ emotions are a significant factor that influences the implementation of adult education. The research aim is to explore the works of Vygostky and Leontiev for modelling the development of emotions in adult education. Theoretical analysis aimed at theory building about emotion development in adult education was applied to the present research. Exploratory type of research was implemented and described in this paper. The present work reflects the insights from the theory of Activity by Leontiev, and the theories of Interiorization, Cultural-historical Activity, and Concept Formation by Vygotsky. The research results in conclusions that teacher’s and learners’ emotions develop in adult education through the educational process. The educational process is gradually implemented in certain sequence. The educational process starts from teaching and external emotions in Phase 1, moves to peer-learning and quasi-emotions in Phase 2, and proceeds further to learning and internal emotions in Phase 3. The inter-connections between intrapersonal and interpersonal levels of emotions were described. The research allows building a theory on emotion development. The research limitations were identified. Directions of further work were proposed.” 

Important keywords are: development of the system of external and internal perspectives, educational process, emotion development, emotions of teachers and learners, interpersonal perspective, intrapersonal perspective, quasi-emotions.  

The whole scientific paper can be found here. 

We are in the happy situation to inform you that one more article written by Antonia Castellani from Skill Up was published on the EPALE platform on the 18th of April 2023. The article is titled: “Power Skills for the future” and explains in detail why we should stop calling them “Soft Skills” and start calling them “Power Skills”, because they are really powerful. You can read the whole article on the EPALE platform here 

Congratulations Antonia for developing such an interesting article! 

“Teaching Emotional Intelligence through animated videos” 

By Daria Filimonova 

“Understanding emotions and creating good rapport can be truly challenging in online classes or when teaching students with special needs. Even the greatest teachers struggle to explain how to work on soft skills and what exactly Emotional Intelligence is. These concepts are exceedingly complex. That is when fascinating animation comes in! Many of our students are visual thinkers. In this session, we will learn how to teach Emotional Intelligence and build rapport with the help of amazingly expressive animated characters.” 

The above paragraph describes the content of a workshop held by Daria Filimonova from Babel Idiomas in the framework of the ACEIA Online Training Day, “Together Leading The Way”. This event took place on the 24th of March 2023 and more than 190 participants attended it. Its programme can be found here

Daria’s workshop was titled: Teaching Emotional Intelligence through animated videos. The talk was well-received and sparked a great deal of interest among teachers and trainers! 

Thanks to Daria one more successful dissemination activity for the EDL project was accomplished! 

A scientific paper titled: “Teachers’ Emotional Experience in Online Classes in Adult Education in Selected European Countries” by Andreas Ahrens and Jelena Zascerinska was published in March 2023 on the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences Vol:17, No:3, 2023. 

The scientific paper can be found here.  

Below you can read its abstract: 

“Emotions are crucial in online classes in adult education. Despite that, a little attention was devoted to the emotional experience of being an online teacher in the field of andragogy, and the online teacher’s emotional perspectives in ever changing environments have to be analysed. The paper aims at the analysis of teachers’ emotional experience in online classes in adult education in selected European countries. The research tends to propose implications for training of teachers who work in online classes in adult education. The survey was conducted in April 2022. In the selected European countries 78 respondents took part in the study. Among them, 30 respondents represented Germany, 28 respondents Greece, and 20 respondents were from Italy. The theoretical findings allow defining teacher emotional experience. The analysis of the elements of the respondents’ emotional experience allows concluding that teachers’ attitude to online classes has to be developed. The key content for teacher training is presented. Directions of further work are proposed.” 

Thank you, Andreas and Jelena from Hochschule Wismar, for developing such an interesting article on the EDL thematic! 

EDL’s partner from Greece, Akadimos, presented the principles and importance of the EDL project to a group of adult teachers. This presentation took place on the 10th of February 2023, during a held meeting that occurred in AKADIMOS headquarters. Adult teachers expressed a high interest on EDL project and its learning materials. 

Thank you Akadimos for promoting EDL! 

On the 6th of February 2023, EDL project was presented at an international conference on Pedagogical Methodology and Technology by Hochschule Wismar and more specifically by Prof. Andreas Ahrens and by Dr. Jelena Zascerinska. 

Here are the details of that International Conference: 
Ahrens, A., Zascerinska, J. (2023). Teachers’ Emotional Experience in Online Classes in Adult Education Selected European Countries. ICPMT 2023: 17. International Conference on Pedagogical Methodology and Technology. February 06-07, 2023 in Paris, France. Online. 


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